A common misconception leads many companies and their managers into thinking that agile methodology can work in any software project. Agile won't work in environments full of people orientated at creating ceremonies, processes, guidelines and long term plans. Agile is all about Individuals and Interactions, Working Software, Customer Collaboration, and Responding to Change. If agile doesn't work for you because it assumes no long term planning, it is not a solution to implement any agile (like SCRUM) process by organising regular planning sessions. If that is not enough, no software will become more agile, by adding further pre-planning or post-planning sessions, creating more detailed documents and specifications, review notes and sign-offs for every step of the process. Yet, this is exactly what happens in so many places.

You cannot shoehorn any agile methodology in an inherently waterfall process or company. Unfortunately agile is so popular now that as Bob Martin reminds: "once a any movement becomes popular, the name of that movement gets blurred through misunderstanding and usurpation.".

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